Who Needs Flood Insurance in St. Augustine, FL?

Floods are the most expensive natural disasters in St. Augustine, FL. That is enough reason to get a flood insurance policy if you’re an economy-conscious resident.  Imagine what could happen if you found your home swept away by the angry floodwaters. How long would it take you to recover?

If your answer is “not sure”, you don’t need another reason to buy flood insurance. Typically, that answers our title question about who needs to buy flood insurance. At Tim Huber Insurance, we advise our clients to buy insurance for anything they’re not ready to lose or replace.

Everyone needs flood insurance

No one is really ever safe from floods.  More than 20 % of flood insurance claims come from residents living in moderate and low-risk areas. Just because your home hasn’t flooded before doesn’t mean it can’t happen. It’s pretty critical to assess your location and determine the amount of flood insurance you will buy.

If you live in a high-risk flood area and bought a home through a mortgage

While flood insurance is not federally required, your mortgage lender will require you to carry flood insurance if they find out the house or property is located in a high-risk flood area. Some states also recommend buying the policy if your home is marked to be in a high-risk flood area. High-risk flood zones mean you can expect flooding to occur almost every year.

If you’re not adequately prepared, you may end up losing your home and its contents. Remember, flood insurance has a 30-day waiting period, of which it may not be active in the event of a flood event.

Get your flood insurance policy with Tim Huber Insurance 

Don’t wait till the cold season hits to buy flood insurance in St. Augustine, FL. For quotes, queries, and more information about flood insurance, feel free to call Tim Huber Insurance.