Why You Need Flood Insurance

As a homeowner, you have to protect your home the best you can with insurance. However, there are some things that home insurance doesn’t protect against, and flooding is one of them. It would help if you had flood insurance to give you this vital protection. Call us today at Tim Huber Insurance in St. Augustine, FL if you need a flood insurance policy in Florida.

Floods and Damage

Flooding is one of the most damaging things that can happen to your home. When you are at risk for floods, you could face the loss of your entire house if you don’t have flood insurance. The policy can pay for the many repairs that will be needed or even have the home rebuilt if it becomes necessary after a flood. That’s why it’s vital to have this insurance coverage. 

Do You Need Flood Insurance?

Many homeowners only consider getting a flood insurance policy if they are in a high-risk flood area. These areas are generally close to bodies of water or have sloping in the area that can cause flooding. But, for about 20% of flooding claims, the home was not in a high-risk area. If those homeowners hadn’t had a flood policy, they could have been forced to start again without their homes. The National Flood Insurance Program, the NFIP, recommends that all homeowners get one of these policies to protect themselves against floods. 

The National Flood Insurance Program

The NFIP is the backer and sponsor of flood insurance. This is government backing, and the program sets the price for flood insurance. That means that the price for this coverage is the same everywhere you go. This helps make getting flood insurance easier and knowing that you have the best price for it. 

Get Insurance for Flooding

It’s important to have this coverage to protect yourself and your home against flooding. Call us at Tim Huber Insurance in St. Augustine, FL to get your flood insurance policy.